Things to Consider When Closing Your Pool

Posted on: August 26th, 2017 by

Pool tips from your Atlanta Pool Company Allen Pool Service.

It’s Pool Closing Time

Fall is just around the corner and then comes time to close up the pool shop for the year. It’s nobody’s favorite part of owning a pool, having to kiss those sweet, relaxing Summer days goodbye, but it comes with the territory of the changing seasons. So before you cover it up and call it another year well-spent, there are some things to look out for. Beyond the typical pool closing checklist, there are some red flags you should pay close attention to – if you notice these things popping up, pool renovations or repair might be on the way!

Red Flags Worth Noting

Texture Changes

If your pool surface feels rougher than normal, or you notice you’re having to clean it more often, it could be an indicator that the surface is deteriorating. Keep a very close eye on this as it will only get worse, and resurfacing should be prioritized as soon as possible.


Most stains are merely superficial and pose little more problem than being a general eyesore. However, if attempts to clean or remove the stain are repeatedly unsuccessful, it might be time to consider resurfacing. Many stains are caused by chemical deposits, natural debris, or algae. If they are increasing in number or size, you may wnat to consider a renovation in the near future.


Feeling like you’re constantly adding water to your pool is a huge red flag, and likely means you have a leak on your hands. Leaks, like texture issues, will only get worse if left unaddressed. If you’re dealing with a leak in your pool, we would urge you to look into getting it resurfaced quickly. Otherwise, you’ll be looking at the cost of resurfacing plus months of abnormally sky-high water bills down the road.

Once you’ve looked over your pool for the big red flags that spell renovation, it’s time to move on to your typical pool closing checklist. These things will make sure your pool is in tip-top shape and ready to be covered up for the chillier months.

Pool Closing Checklist

Balance the pH level

Use a test kit to find out where your pool’s current balance is and then adjust as needed. The alkalinity of your pool should be between 7.4 and 7.6 pH.

Flush the Filter

Make sure the pump runs a full cycle, then chemically clean and backwash your filter.

Shock and Chlorinate

This step is extremely important to ensure that any lingering bacteria is killed, keeping your pool safe and ready for the next season without worrying.

Have a Good Cover

If you’re covering your pool for the late fall and winter months, which is definitely recommended to save yourself unnecessary cleanup time come spring, you’ll want to use a safety cover, leaf net, or winter cover – it keeps your pool and your family safe.

How to Use This Information

Every pool owner’s heart breaks a little when it’s time to put the pool to bed until next spring, but doing so properly will save you time, effort, and potential headaches when winter rolls around. If you’re looking ahead and getting ready to close your pool for the year but spotted a red flag or two, we’d be happy to help you decide the best course of action. Also, if you feel you need help closing your pool and even winterizing it, we can do it for you. Contact us online or give us a call at (770) 451-1621.

Request a Quote

Please call (770) 451-1621 to request pool winterization by Allen Pool Service in Atlanta.

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